
Logos: Council of Oulu Region and European Union, European Regional Development Fund
Virtual city silhouette


MetaCi­ty is a leap to a novel gene­ra­tion of smart city concept to acce­le­ra­te the evol­ve­ment of digi­tal and vir­tual city ser­vices and gover­nance to the next level of the post-pan­de­mic era, after the tran­si­tion to vir­tual coo­pe­ra­tion. The cor­ners­to­nes of MetaCi­ty are in the high-tech­no­lo­gy but strong focus of co-inno­va­tion is in the ser­vices.


Com­pa­nies, cities, research ins­ti­tu­tes and citizens desi­re to deve­lop new met­hods to co-inno­va­te whe­re­ver they are loca­ted. MetaCi­ty is envi­ron­ment for advanced inclusion, pre­sence and cont­ri­bu­tion des­pi­te of phy­sical loca­tion. MetaCi­ty welco­mes any size of com­pa­ny from any busi­ness sec­tor and all indi­vi­duals to boost ope­nings of citizen science.


In MetaCi­ty the coo­pe­ra­tion is con­duc­ted inten­si­ve­ly between researc­hers, deve­lo­pers and inno­va­tors toget­her with ope­ra­tio­nal city plan­ning officials in the areas of various city func­tions like education&culture, ener­gy trans­por­ta­tion, health and pro­per­ties. The MetaCi­ty is an are­na of green thoughts for sus­tai­nable futu­re..

What is in it for me?

You can be a big com­pa­ny, SME, start-up, spinn-off, com­mu­ni­ty or indi­vi­dual. In the MetaCi­ty you can find and com­po­se eco­sys­tems, learn from busi­ness ver­ticals, coo­pe­ra­te with world-class researc­hers, find your cus­to­mer, bring your idea, find resources, get spar­ring, apply for patents, pilot and sca­le inno­va­tions, get coac­hing of digi­tal eco­no­my and much more.

How can I access it?

MetaCi­ty is not shackled to phy­sical loca­tions, but coin­no­va­tion hap­pens in con­ti­nuo­us­ly evol­ving network of MetaS­paces in which you can con­nect with your per­so­nal Meta­Bubble, which we encou­ra­ge you to establish – now!

To main­tain some of our exis­ting sen­ses or to pilot our super-sen­ses we some­ti­mes get toget­her also phy­sical­ly in hybrid venues. Also then you can join phy­sical­ly or as ava­tar from any loca­tion.

Pro­bably some day you want to visit the MetaCi­ty phy­sical­ly. Some of most ent­husias­tic researc­hers, deve­lo­pers and inno­va­tors who arri­ved for a visit, deci­ded to stay and sett­le down. They succee­ded to achie­ve meta-phy­sical pre­sence.

Does it cost?

The­re is no ent­rance fee, pay­ment or taxes to enter the MetaCi­ty. But you are requi­red to have wild ima­gi­na­tion and open­ness for co-crea­tion. With an eager atti­tu­de you may be temp­ted to fasci­na­ting pro­jects.

Who to con­tact?

You can con­tact the May­or of MetaCi­ty to desc­ri­be your moti­va­tion to beco­me a part­ner or MetaCi­tizen. The May­or gui­des you furt­her.


Metaci­ty-sel­vi­tys­työn raport­ti (report in Fin­nish)